
My best friend

My best friend's name is Lorenzo. Lorenzo is quite tall. He's about 1.70. He's not very slim. He has got short, straight and brown hair and blue eyes. He looks really cheerful. He's an ambitious boy. His dream is to become a famous sportsman.

He tends to be chatty. He's often told to keep silent. He hardly ever tends to be selfish. He's also a strong boy because he never cries. He really likes sports above all basketball and nature because he's studyng agriculture.

He also likes every type of music and optimistic people. He doesn't like ugly girls, boring people and indecisive teammates.

My best friend is a fairly normal boy.

A stange fact
One day, two friends, Tamara and Alex decided to go hiking in the highest mountain of their region. they left at 4 o'clock in the morning and they went trekking. When they were half way on the mountain they realized they had token a wrong path so they were on another mountain.
 It was very late so they decided to sleep in the first chalt they could find. they found a small forest and they decided to sleep there. inside there was nobody, only two beds, two chairs and a table. They were exhausted so they went to bed.

At midnight Alex woke up because he was thirsthy. He heard some mysterious noise. He was very frightened and a few seconds later he saw a chair fall. he tried to wake his friend up but she wasn't in her bed.He thus took his rucksack quickly and escaped. He arrived at the nearest village and went to report the fact to the police station. The police officers said that one day a man was sleeping with his girlfriend in the same but where Alex has slept when during the night he killed his girlfriend with a knife.

Legends say that the spirit of the woman is inside the cottage and that every cuople who enter it is unlucky because the spirit takes away with her the girl of the group. Alex was very worried and he hurt into tears.


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